
When Is a Property Owner Responsible for a Gunshot Injury in Louisiana?

In 2020, a year where many businesses shuttered and people sheltered in place, more than 20,000 people died of gun violence,...
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Suing For Wrongful Death In Louisiana

When someone is killed by negligent, reckless, or intentional acts, the family has a right to sue the responsible parties...
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Why you shouldn’t post about your car accident on social media

Social media can be a very useful platform to stay connected to the world around us. There are a million...
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Introducing Down by Law with Daryl A. Gray!

The Wright Gray team is excited to mention a new project of Daryl’s -- his new radio show & podcast,...
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Secrets The BEST Trucking Accident Lawyers Use To Get Millions

Every year in the United States truck accidents cause thousands of fatalities and catastrophic injuries to passenger car occupants, pedestrians,...
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Premises Liability Case at New Orleans’ Abandoned Plaza Tower

If you’re a New Orleans native, chances are you’d recognize the Plaza Tower anywhere. It’s an iconic skyscraper that’s been...
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How long does it take to get crime victim compensation in Louisiana?

In this article, we will go over some types of crime victim compensation available to Louisiana residents who have fallen...
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Crime victim rights and compensation in Louisiana

The United States legal system is very good at locking people up after they’ve committed a crime, but taking care...
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Is It Illegal to Point a Gun at Someone in New Orleans?

As you go out this summer, it’s important to remember that it can, at times, be a crime to point...
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