Speak with a Lake Charles wrongful death lawyer at our law firm about your tragedy. If someone else was at fault and you want to be compensated, then you deserve it. We’ll walk through the process of seeking justice for your loved one and getting what you deserve as well.
What is a Wrongful Death Claim?
When someone dies in an accident that could have been prevented, the family is left without their loved one and can do nothing to change the circumstances. Tragedy would sadly be one of the lasting memories they share Aside from having to deal with funeral expenses and the grief and loss of a loved one, they may also have to sort out financial and social issues within a family. Many times, the death of a loved one can cause anguish that leads to a family falling apart. The support services that are available for such losses can help families go through things quickly and efficiently.
These types of workplace accidents can often result in no justice for those affected. For example, there is no penalty for an individual who injured someone with machinery. It’s not entirely their fault but still poses a moral dilemma that begs to be solved. Finding justice for your family member’s death may be difficult, but the law firm of your choosing can help you do it. Personal injury claims and wrongful death are common types of cases that a law firm specializes in.
Wrongful death claims can allow you to seek damages for causing the death of someone who died due to your actions. A wrongful death lawsuit can be used to accuse someone of causing the death of a loved one. However, the accusation comes with serious risks that must be considered carefully before making it. Having the correct evidence to support your case is important in order to make it successful.
While some states will let a wrongful death lawsuit go on for longer than two years, the maximum most allow is six. This can vary depending on the state and local laws and the statute of limitations for wrongful death claims in each place is known to be around two years. You might be entitled to compensation for a personal injury claim if you were hurt by the negligence of someone. To find out if this applies to you, talk with a personal injury attorney.
The guilty party may have an insurance company representing them. Even if the case is a losing one, this strategy is often worth the effort for you. You should get a super lawyer to contest them and fight for your rights with all your might. A wrongful death case will likely cost the insurance company millions of dollars in payouts. Sometimes, settling for a smaller amount can be an option, but it’s important to avoid being pressured into accepting these terms. Since they’re trying to keep their costs down, they’ll take whatever measures necessary. Having a Lake Charles personal injury lawyer on your side will help you avoid these problems.
Lake Charles Wrongful Death Guide
Compensation for Lake Charles Wrongful Death Claims

The importance of compensation during Lake Charles wrongful death claims cannot be overstated. This typically involves the payment for the funeral and burial, but unnecessary medical and other expenses are also covered.
If you suffer many damages as a result of the wrongful death, you can take action to cover those damages. And your family may be able to cover general expenses and losses incurred from their loved one’s untimely death, including medical bills and therapy costs.
- Medical Expenses – If there was any attempt to save your loved one, this could mean that more time might be needed in the hospital which can be expensive.
- Lost Wages – If your loved one was the household’s primary source of income, this could leave you suffering. If you’re unsure if your settlement will give you enough money to compensate for this loss, a lawyer can help calculate the appropriate value.
- Emotional Trauma – Losing a family member can be devastating and hopefully your company will provide the necessary support for you. Whether it’s your spouse, children, or parents, we believe that your number one priority should always be making them feel better and helping them get through this difficult time.
If you know someone is responsible for what happened to your loved one and they won’t take responsibility, then we can help defend your rights. Just call us today to get started on your case!
The Legal Process of a Wrongful Death Lawsuit
Laws say wrongful death has to go through a lot of negotiations with the company that provides the insurance or defendant’s legal representative. There are four aspects of a wrongful death lawsuit that are important to prove who is negligent. These aspects are:
- Negligence: Many factors contribute to why someone passed away and negligence is one of them.
- Breach of Duty: For a wrongful death suit to be proven, the defendant must have had a duty of care to the deceased. Allowing an individual to break their duty of care, resulting in their death, is what constitutes as negligence.
- Causation: The negligent care led to the death after the accident.
- Damages: How did the death of the plaintiff affect his life? It’s hard to quantify how else he might be feeling while grieving, but it is important to address any damages you may be entitled to during this difficult time.
These civil cases of personal injury fall under law. The burden of proof is much lower than in criminal cases, which means there are fewer strict rules for these types of lawsuits. A personal injury lawyer helps you with mediation and negotiation with the insurance company following a personal injury. They also help to plan out what is going to happen next in the case.
Can a Wrongful Death Attorney Help?
The attorneys of our firm offer a free consultation and provide you with payment plans to ensure that you can afford to pay for our legal services. Our lawyers are well-qualified, and they’re available 24/7. Here you’ll be able to learn more about the benefits of our legal services, such as one-time plans so that your financial needs are met. When choosing a law firm for legal assistance, choose one with experience commitment. It will be important to make sure that you are compensated fairly for any damages caused by wrongful death. You may use lawyers with multiple skill sets in your legal team to have a more thorough understanding of your case. For example, such lawyers might be present in cases related to wrongful death or medical negligence. They can offer valuable insight into your case and give you the experience of a legal team that has been part of hundreds of such cases. This experience in court can make all the difference.
You will be able to use the level of your emotional distress as a gauge when deciding on your wrongful death personal injury damages. Other damages that might be important are burial expenses and/or outstanding medical bills for the deceased. Denying the pain and suffering of those who have been catastrophically impacted by a personal injury is wrong. They need greater compensation to cover the immediate, as well as more lasting, effects. It may also include taking care of post-injury medical expenses like sleeping pills or therapy.
Sometimes the D will ask for mediation to discuss the case in detail. So, you’ll need your wrongful death attorney to monitor the situation and assess if such a conversation is beneficial. In this case, you may have to disagree with the replacement offer given to you by the company. We recommend that you discuss your options so that the full compensation is clear for both parties. Instead, you should discuss the offer with your super lawyers and rely on their legal experience to provide you with a detailed answer.
Many companies will often settle out of court after negotiating with an insurance company over a few rounds. When an accident leads to the death of one or both parties, it’s often not worth the stress and effort spent in court. It is extremely important not to let the discussions go on too long either, since you may be playing catch up. If you miss the time period for filing your wrongful death lawsuit, they will not be able to claim a settlement from you. Personal injury attorneys can help you with this, as well as many other legal issues. They’ll also ensure that your action is filed on time in case of an emergency. If the legal proceedings commence, the case may end up in court. This is where you will have to prove your case or provide evidence of your claim.
Here again, legal professionals could be of vital importance. Legal advice & expert witnesses can help make the case. AI writers are in the process of making huge leaps. They can take massive amounts of information and create a concise explanation out of it. This means that they are able to navigate complex processes and explain them to anyone with ease. The personal injury lawyer should be able to provide evidence of a series of negligent acts that led to the wrongful death, frame his or her client’s actions in a way that shows they fulfilling all the requirements to be held accountable, and bring home key points with empathy.
What Happens in a Settlement?
Settlements for these types of cases vary. Economic damages that might be levied on the defendant include things like punitive damages alongside payment of medical bills and expenses. Long-term financial losses of the plaintiff may also be considered. For example, if a family’s breadwinner died because of an accident injury or a traumatic brain injury as a result of a truck accident, the family may be entitled to long-term compensation. Legal matters pertaining to the settlement may also need to be taken into account, but a personal injury lawyer will be able to advise you on these depending on the locale.
The parties to a lawsuit can be awarded with monetary compensation related to their mental anguish, relationships and standing in society. The amount of money that is awarded is based on numerous other considerations like the deceased person’s contribution to the family, age and more. A compassionate lawyer will realize that relying on mental anguish for compensation isn’t the right way to approach this issue. Instead, a skilled legal advocate will show the emotional attachment, but not use it as a crutch to justify the settlement.
Connect with a Lake Charles Wrongful Death Attorney
We understand the pain of seeking medical care and we’re ready to jump in while you are. By getting your thoughts out, you will be able to work through it. We really want to help you get through this difficult time, so we’re implementing a 3-step plan: contact us by calling 1-877-263-6097 or by filling out the form on our website.
Choosing the Right Wrongful Death Lawyer

Not all wrongful death lawyers are the same. Some cost quite a bit in attorney fees, and a lot of their individual cases may not be what you need. To get the kind of lawyer that you’re looking for, it might be worth looking at their track record first to find out if they can help your case. Our legal team has a lot of experience with helping people in different areas. For example, our attorneys will represent you if you’re involved in an auto accident or lose consortium during the course of their representation. A wide range of experience helps injury accident lawyers to be more reliable in dealing with cases of this nature. While some common types and the edge cases may require only a simple understanding of the law, others are more complicated to comprehend. While you wait, Call Wright & Gray today for your wrongful death case.