How a Memphis Lawyer Can Help Your Personal Injury Case

You may be shocked to hear that there were 409,000 sports injuries in 2021, 938 pedal cyclists killed in 2020, and 1,217 traffic fatalities in Tennessee during 2020. It doesn’t matter how careful you are; there is always a risk of personal injury.

A personal injury case may arise because of poor equipment maintenance, negligent acts of another person, or manufacturing defects. Your injury may fit the criteria for filing a personal injury case. Contact a Memphis personal injury lawyer to schedule a consultation when you suffer personal injuries.

The attorney will give their legal opinion on a personal injury lawsuit. They will evaluate the severity of your injuries and the circumstances under which you sustained them.

You do not pay out-of-pocket fees to hire a personal injury attorney. Attorneys handle personal injury cases on a contingency fee. This means you only pay attorney fees if you win.

If you question whether you need an attorney, keep reading. We will share what a personal injury lawyer can do for you.

Insurance Company Negotiations

When you suffer a personal injury, there will be at least one insurance company to negotiate with. You may need to handle disputes from the other party’s insurance company, your medical insurance, and more. Insurance companies will take steps to prevent you from filing and may dispute your claims.

Insurance providers may offer you a settlement, deny paying your medical bills, or question whether your negligence is the reason for the accident. These are all techniques an attorney specializing in personal injury in Memphis will be familiar with.

Your attorney will evaluate your medical records to determine a fair and reasonable settlement. If necessary, they will take the matter to trial, so you receive the compensation you deserve.

Conduct Discovery

Discovery in a personal injury case is far more than a copy of the police report and your medical bills. Your attorney will immediately begin gathering evidence. This includes interviewing witnesses, reviewing your medical records, and more.

As your personal injury attorney gathers information, they may determine a need to submit interrogatories, demands for documents, and requests for admission to the other party. They may seek out the opinion of a medical professional, conduct depositions, and request a long-term prognosis on your chances for a full recovery.

Must Prove Negligence

When you file a personal injury lawsuit, one of the critical factors in your case moving forward is the need to prove negligence. This takes place in the pleadings and when presenting the case in court.

The pleadings must cover the following four elements to prove negligence.

  1. The defendant owed you a duty of care
  2. The defendant failed to fulfill that duty due to actions they did or did not take
  3. The defendant’s breach of duty is the direct and proximate cause of your injuries
  4. The defendant’s act of negligence is the reason you suffer damages

The pleadings must state the element and what actions of the defendant breach their duty.

Your personal injury attorney knows how to phrase these properly in a lawsuit. They will file your complaint before the expiration of the statute of limitations. In Tennessee, you must file a personal injury case within one year of the accident.

Presentation in Court

Your attorney will be familiar with presenting your personal injury case in court. This includes interviewing witnesses, handling settlement conferences, status hearings, and preparing exhibits for trial.

There are many requirements for a trial that must be done according to the court rules. This includes the preparation and submission of witness and exhibit lists and subpoena of witnesses.

Hire a Personal Injury Case Attorney

If you or a loved one suffers personal injuries, contact Wright Gray Trial Lawyers. We have an experienced team of lawyers to handle your personal injury case.

If you have additional questions about how a personal injury attorney can help, check out our FAQ page, then call 888-912-4944 to schedule a free consultation in our Memphis, Tennessee office.

If you or someone you know has been injured, protect your future and your rights

Contact Wright Gray TODAY for legal guidance