Wright Gray Gives During Uncertain Times

For the Culture. For the Community. For YOU.

At the Wright Gray Law Firm, our thoughts are with everyone who has been affected by the coronavirus outbreak. 

In light of the pandemic, we consider it an honor to be able to contribute both as a firm and individually as attorneys and support staff within the firm, to the New Orleans community. 

During this time of uncertainty, we understand the financial and mental toll the health crisis has had on families and individuals in our local communities. 

It’s one of the reasons we have ramped up our Wright Gray Gives philanthropy efforts to provide additional support to our neighbors in need. This month, Wright Gray Gives partnered with several businesses and New Orleans City Councilwoman Kristin Gisleson Palmer to provide supplies for students.

We took part in handing out headphones, masks, hand sanitizers, and other school supplies to 300 kids in Algiers.A few of our staff members additionally volunteered at a drive-thru food bank hosted every Friday in Algiers by Second Harvest Food Bank. 

The economic ripple effects of COVID-19 have only exacerbated food insecurity that already existed in some of our communities, which is why we encourage you to help your neighbors too. 

Volunteer at one of the drive-thru food banks or donate to Second Harvest Food Bank here.

We are also happy to announce our annual education scholarship to 5 inspiring young college students this year. 

Each student received $500 per academic year to help with tuition and education-related expenses.

This year’s hardworking and deserving recipients included:

  • Da’jalone Freeman – St. Katharine Drexel Preparatory
  • Sharmaine Nelson – Helen Cox High School
  • Ireione Penn – Warren Easton Charter High school
  • Nia Rivers – Eleanor McMain High School
  • Rodricka Robinson – Frederick Douglass High School

Learn more about our scholarship here.

We are all in this together. Let’s do our part by showing compassion and support during these uncertain times.

If you or someone you know has been injured, protect your future and your rights

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