Recent statistics reveal that one million hospital emergency room visits are because of slip and falls. This represents 12% of total falls.
You deserve compensation when you sustain an injury from another party’s negligence. Talking to your lawyer is essential. Not only that, but you must avoid these slip and fall lawsuit mistakes to maximize the dollar amount you can recoup.
1. Getting Up After Falling
If you wish to seek slip and fall compensation because you know you are not at fault, do not simply leave the space after getting up. It does not matter if your injury is big or small. Do not do everything by yourself.
Ask for a higher authority at the property or its owner. Ask the person in charge to call for medical assistance for you.
2. Not Finding Witnesses
If someone saw you fall and knows negligence was involved, you want their contact information. This will be critical for filing a lawsuit. You must be able to provide a mountain of slip and fall injury evidence, where available.
Rely on human kindness. Bystanders want to help victims, and they will help you.
3. Not Performing Proper Documentation
This is vital for your case. You need testaments and proof and must be able to provide them in good order.
Take a picture of your injury. Keep a good record of all your medical statements. Most importantly, you want to provide it to an experienced personal injury attorney.
4. Paying Your Medical Bill
You should not pay for the medical bills when you are not at fault. It can be difficult, especially when overdue notices come and a collection agency reaches out. Still, try your best to keep them at bay.
Do not just sit and wait for the property owner’s kindness and their insurance to take care of your medical bills. Contact a slip and fall accident lawyer to help you.
5. Blaming Yourself
Do not accept responsibility for another individual’s negligence. Do not accept ownership for what happened when you are not at fault. Most importantly, do not let the property owner make you think you are at fault and get you to admit it!
Manipulation is one of the most significant factors leading to a mistake. Insurance companies will attempt to trick you into admitting fault. Do not discuss your slip and fall case with anyone unless your lawyer tells you to.
6. Accepting an Offer From the Property Owner’s Insurance
Insurance companies are businesses, and devious ones at that. They know you are hurt but do not want to pay you what you deserve. It is the aim of the insurance to lowball you and maintain their profits.
Do not become a victim twice. There is no sympathy for you. The first offer will not be the best.
Never accept what the insurance company offers unless you consult with an experienced slip and fall lawyer first.
Avoid These Slip and Fall Lawsuit Mistakes
When you initially slip and fall, do not get up. Get help. Then, gather your evidence and do not pay medical bills.
Instead of talking to the insurance company, speak to your slip and fall accident lawyer. This is the best way to prevent common slip and fall lawsuit mistakes. Wright and Gray trial lawyers can help.
They work for the culture, the Baton Rouge community, and you! Contact Wright and Gray today!