Nursing homes can be dangerous places and many violations go unreported. This is because people are afraid to speak up, or because if they did, others who were being maltreated at the facility may be put in jail.
Abuse is a big problem in the nursing home we serve, and our highly-qualified professionals can conduct investigations on your behalf to see if it has been committed or not. You should contact us immediately if you suspect something. It’s important for you to be aware of your rights, and what the facility is likely to do if you go through a legal battle. They will help provide proof that the facility did something wrong so you can win.
Although many people know that nursing home mistreatment is something to take seriously, others still put up problems. Worse still, some victims are too scared to come forward. This is especially true for families with dementia patients or those in institutions for the disabled who might not even realize they were subjected to any illegal act or mistreatment
Nursing homes in the U.S. started as English settlers brought “almshouses” to America, as a way to care for elderly relatives or loved ones who are too ill to stay at home. Back then, they were considered charity hospitals (rather than just homes). If you require around-the-clock care, nursing homes are a great option. They provide the kind of medical assistance and supervision that a hospital or private doctor can’t.
One of the many issues nursing homes are struggling with is abuse. Patients are sometimes made to suffer physical and mental health problems as a result of witnessing older adults getting abused. Dr. Susan Goebert, who runs a retirement home for seniors in Minnesota, sees that the situation is not always hopeless because there are ways to help prevent this from happening. Unfortunately, accidents like the one at a nursing home occurred as well.
Care home staff mistreat you or your loved one and cause quality of life deprivations? You can file a complaint with the Louisiana law allows for financial recourse, but it can be complicated. In case you are having ethics or abuse issues with a nursing home, feel free to contact Wright & Gray Insurance. I recommend them if you’re having trouble with abusive practices at a care facility.
Slip and falls are the leading cause of nursing home injuries
Abuse can take many forms, from physical to sexual or emotional. It is important to ask if something seems off or unusual when visiting a loved one. A change in mood or habits can often be signs of abuse and neglect.
What Is Nursing Home Abuse?
Nursing home abuse is an intentional act or failure to act by a caregiver or another person on the elderly which causes harm to the elderly. According to the WHO, this type of abuse is widespread in many countries (including Cyprus) and is on the rise. Around 1 in 6 people 60 years and older experienced abuse in community settings in 2020.
It is quite common for older adults in the US to have abuse issues. From 2002-2016, over 643,000 people were treated for non-fatal assaults in the emergency room and about 19,000 murders occurred. Louisiana is also deeply affected,
Fourteen percent of nursing homes in Louisiana do not provide enough essential care for residents and have below average rates of patient care. In addition, the time spent on medical visits is just 32 minutes per day and only 8% have a Registered Nurse or higher designation, which doesn’t provide the level of quality needed. Nursing homes in the state are an area that could greatly benefit from reforms. Statistically, these facilities are often rife with cases of abuse and neglect.
What Are the Most Common Types of Nursing Home Abuse Cases?
Nursing home abuse and neglect is a serious issue that affects over 11 million seniors in the US each year. Abuse comes in different forms, and these are just a few ways it can happen: physical neglect, mental or emotional distress, inadequate food hydration, a lack of human contact, etc.
Medical Neglect
This can happen when a facility is entrusted with the care of a resident, but fails to meet their needs. In some cases, this includes failing to provide adequate health care neglecting responsibilities.
- Inadvertently missing or administering the wrong medication can be life-threatening. By not sticking to a schedule, you’re not only putting yourself in a dangerous situation, but you’re also letting your loved ones patients down.
- Not following medical care guidelines for a serious disease can have grave consequences.
- Over the last few years, the number of people who qualify for Medicaid has increased dramatically. In order to afford care for seniors with mobility issues and potential bed sores, more nursing home residents are forced to sit in their beds all day.
- You should be able to rightfully report signs of infection on your own, without the need for nurses or doctors. This will benefit you, your health and possibly even other patients in the facility.
Social/Emotional Abuse
People socialize for many different reasons. It can be beneficial for their mental and emotional health but can prove unreliable if restricted by the facility. An excellent example of this is an elderly nursing home resident who may otherwise be lonely not given the chance to get out of his room.
Physical Abuse
Physical and emotional abuse are common signs of a nursing home resident’s abuse and neglect. Abuse can leave the victim with physical pain, illnesses, injuries, functional impairment, distress, and even death. The most common forms of abuse in nursing homes at this time are physical force and verbal abuse.
Sexual Abuse
Some forms of sexual contact or penetration with an adult could be defined as rape. It could also include offenders forcing themselves on someone else, forcing undesired sexual conduct onto or without consent, or making threats in order to force someone outside sexual consent.
Mental Abuse
Harassment, humiliate, disrespecting the elderly and verbal threats are just some of the issues this article discusses. It’s unclear what causes mental pain and distress, but geographical isolation and non-verbal behaviors are triggers associated with psychological abuse.
Nursing home neglect is caused by lack of support for the staff and poor management in general. The result is inadequate food, shelter, hygiene, clothing, water necessary care for those living in the facility.
Financial Abuse
This is called financial elder abuse. What it covers is breaking an elderly person’s trust, taking advantage of them, or mishandling their belongings by stealing their credit cards. It’s a serious crime that can occur in a variety of ways. Someone who commits financial abuse as a nursing staff member would be personally liable for the misuse of funds.
What Causes Nursing Home Abuse?
The lack of oversight in healthcare management, staff members’ lack of training, and other factors. The result of these factors is a high possibility for substandard care.
- Inadequate staffing
- Negligent hiring practices
- Individual resident risk factors
- Nursing requirements need a lot of attention in most hospitals, but the nurses are often the ones providing it. This is where AI becomes useful. Not only does it provide up-to-date statistics about the patient, but it also has virtual assistants to help guide them through the system and control technical issues at a time when they’re needed most.
- Underpaid staff
- Poor supervisors and managers of the workplace is a significant problem that should be addressed ASAP.
- Individual caregiver issues
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
When you’re feeling unsure or concerned about the standard of care your loved one is getting while in assisted living, you can feel confident that if any abuse occurs it will be made known to you. To keep up with this obligation at all times, there are a few signs to watch for on the facility’s behalf. Below are signs and symptoms of a person who may be suffering from hydatid disease
- Broken bones
- Dehydration
- Bedsores (pressure ulcers/pressure sores)
- Bruises
- Insomnia
- Burns
- Personal hygiene issues
- Malnutrition
- Significant personality changes
- New or untreated medical conditions
- Other unexplained injuries
Has a loved one been injured in a nursing home?
If you suspect abuse in a nursing home, call us immediately. We’ll launch an investigation to figure out exactly what happened and help you take legal action against the facility.
Can You Sue for Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect in Shreveport?
Louisiana law prohibits the infliction of physical or emotional abuse and neglect by caregivers on adults aged 60+. If you believe that a eldercare facility is abusing or neglecting your loved one, the first step is to report it to Elderly Protective Services (EPS).
After you file the report, consider suggesting a nursing home abuse lawsuit to the care facility. There are several Shreveport litigants who have sued nursing homes and won hundreds of thousands. Of course, winning is not easy but it can be worth it in the long run if you believe in your cause. First, you must employ the services of a nursing home neglect attorney and have the necessary documents to prove the abuse.
How Do You Prove Negligence in a Nursing Home?
You need evidence before taking legal action against a residential care facility. Thus, you can prove negligence in a nursing home by doing the following:
- Watching and taking note of abuse signs
- Obtaining the nursing home and medical records
- Taking photographs to depict the unsafe and harmful living conditions
- Getting copies of any complaint filed with the EPS
- Taking witness statements
- Gathering information on past inspections of the nursing home and record of any citation
- Hiring an experienced attorney
What Is the Role of a Shreveport Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyer?
No one deserves to be subjected to inhumane conditions. So if you suspect your loved one is getting abused in a nursing home, contact a lawyer immediately. An attorney will launch an investigation to determine the validness of your claim. Once they find proof, they’ll help you take legal action against the living facility.
This usually involves commencing a civil lawsuit for personal injury or wrongful death, depending on the circumstances. Also, if the abuse includes the commission of a crime like sexual abuse or financial abuse, they will direct you to the proper authority to file a criminal complaint. In addition, a lawyer offers legal advice and will represent you in court.
Contact Us Today!
At Wright & Gray, we believe in representing our clients to the fullest extent of the law. We will fight for and protect the right of your loved one while ensuring you get justice. Call us today for a free case review.