2023 Wright Gray Scholarship Essay Contest
In April, we commemorated a year unlike any the world has known before. With the perspective of time, we have the opportunity to reflect on the many ways the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives. As we all consider the past year, Wright Gray would like to invite high school seniors to contribute their voices to a collective conversation in our annual scholarship essay contest: Reflections on the Pandemic.
We will be awarding 4 deserving seniors scholarships of $500 each to help with college funds and textbook purchases.
** You must be a high school senior graduating from a school located in Orleans Parish and attending a college full-time in the fall.
Students should choose one of the essay topics below:
During the pandemic, how did you manage to complete your school year - academically, mentally, and physically?
Beginning April 30 through May 22, we will be accepting 250-word essays from graduating seniors or students.
ESSAYS CAN BE SUBMITTED HERE: farron@wrightgray.com
Check out our 2022 Scholarship recipients below
Global Civil Rights leader, Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?”
This question resonates with every attorney and support staff at the Wright Gray Personal Injury Law Firm.
We believe our duties to our community go beyond our legal services. That’s why we provide assistance to people in our community through giving events, activities, and contributions.
“Our scholarship was established to reward outstanding high school seniors for their past effort and to support their future academic endeavors during unprecedented times.”
- Wright Gray Attorney Eric Wright
View 2020 Scholarship Recipients - Here

Learn more about our Wright Gray Gives work in the New Orleans community on our Wright Gray Gives page.